Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Song Set for Janurary 30th, 2011

Hey. How's it going? That's good to hear. Oh me? I'm doing fine...thanks for asking.

So, some of you know that Trevecca Community Church has recently changed our Sunday morning schedule. We used to have two identical services but now we have a sanctuary gathering at 9am followed by Sunday school at 10:30 and then our courts gathering (the "courts" is the name or our gym/sanctinasium) and that happens at 11:30.

I am the worship leader for the courts gathering. I tend to call it the 2nd service and basically we are trying to offer a different worship experience while keeping the DNA or the essence of a TCC worship service. I would hate to use the term "contemporary" to describe this service. That word just doesn't make sense to me when talking about an entire service. It may describe some of the songs but music is only one of many elements involved in a worship service. I will say that we are definitely introducing quite a few new songs early on.

That is why I want to start posting song lists for the previous Sunday. That way if you liked something you will know the title and the album.

Here is the song list for January 30th, 2011.
"Open My Eyes"// Artist: Hillsong // Album: A Beautiful Exchange
"Salvation is Here"//Artist: Hillsong Chapel // Album: Yahweh
"Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus"// Words: Louisa M. R. Stead // Arrangement: Tretrev/TCC
"Giving it All to You"// Artist: The Michael Gungor Band // Album: Ancient Skies
"Surrender" // Artist: Marc James // Album: Surrender

I hope you find this helpful. 

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