The Courts Gathering
Our God // Artist: Chris Tomlin // Album: And If Our God is For Us
No Sweeter Name // Artist: Kari Jobe // Album: Kari Jobe
How Can I Keep From Singing // Artist: Chris Tomlin // Album: See the Morning
Hosanna // Artist: Hillsong United // Album: All of the Above
People of God // Artist: Gungor // Album: Beautiful Things
This is a sneak peak because I'm writing this on Saturday night!!! Oh man!! I think it's going to be fine because there are only two people following this blog right now. Sigh! Thanks Bethany and Katie.
Well, tomorrow Pastor is talking about service/serving so we're not pulling any punches. If you know me you know I have a hard time doing Chris Tomlin songs. Not because I don't like him but more because I tend to shy away from things that are popular. I would say he is popular. But I do like that he is writing with Matt Redman now. I feel like Matt put his musical stamp on "Our God" especially in the bridge. So we are starting off with that song and I'm hoping this will bring tons of energy into the service right off the bat.
I was reading Philippians 2 after last week's sermon on submission where Paul reminds us that Jesus, God with us in the flesh, didn't even consider being above everyone else but yet humbled himself to the point of the cross. AMAZING! Then I kept reading and was reminded of the power of His name, Jesus.
"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father."
to the glory of God the Father."
After reading that I knew I wanted to sing "No Sweeter Name" and that lead me to another song (by that dang Tomlin again) "How Can I Keep From Singing". I love the line in the chorus that asks "how can I keep from shouting your name?" and pairing these two songs together.
Then we get down to business with the "service/serving" issue. Hillsong really cuts right to the issue in "Hosanna" during the bridge.
"Heal my heart and make me clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity"
This is such a beautiful prayer and something I hope will really help us focus on Pastor's message.
During our response time we are playing a version of Gungor's "People of God" which simply states God is love and we need to be like God and we are the light of the world. It is basically our benediction. Thank you Michael!
I am really looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. I am so thankful for this community of believers I have the privilege of calling my church family. See you tomorrow. Except you Katie Henbest. You're in Idaho. You and D should come visit Nashvegas. Just sayin'.
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